FSKM Student Listed Among Top 10 Young Talents MONSTAR Awards 2020

    Nurin Miza Afiqah bte Andre Dazle from the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,…

FSKM Bagged First Place in DOSM Virtual Datathon 2020

We are proud to announce FSKM bagged first place in DOSM Virtual Datathon 2020 (DvD2020). FSKM…

International Writing Workshop by InQKA, UiTM with Chulangkorn University Thailand

An international writing workshop, organized by the Institute of Quality and Knowledge Advancement (InQKA), UiTM was…

Keunggulan Aplikasi KitaFSKM Terserlah di Idea Unggul @UiTM2020

Baru-baru ini, pasukan FSKM dinobatkan sebagai juara keseluruhan di Pertandingan Idea Unggul @ UiTM 2020 menewaskan…

FSKM Students Selected as Seeds for the Future @Huawei Participants

Two of our very own FSKM students, Nurin Miza Afiqah bt Andrie Dazlee (Bachelor of Information…

Interior Design Professionalism and Practice in Maldives

Webinar antarabangsa siri ke-2 yang diaturkan oleh ahli jawatankuasa Konferen, Seminar dan Pameran (KonSeP), Pusat Pengajian…

FSKM Students Received Awards in Maybank Ambassador Programme 2020

Three FSKM students have successfully graduated from The Maybank Ambassador Programme . The students ,  Nurfarahin…

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Initiates Talk To Set Up Malaysia-Russia Arctic Research Project  

It has been more than thirteen years since the day when Malaysia’s first astronaut was launched…

UITM Cawangan Pahang Memperkasa Pendidikan Berkualiti Masyarakat Setempat (SDG 4)

Apabila kita memperihalkan Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (SDG) ianya tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada persoalan berkenaan nilai serta…

Webinar: The Differences Between Clinical And Retail Optometrist

PUNCAK ALAM – Webinar: The Differences Between Clinical and Retail Optometrist telah berlangsung selama satu hari…