Virtual Symposium On Sciences 2020 (VSoS 2020)

We are pleased to invite you to join our “Virtual Symposium on Sciences 2020 (VSoS 2020)” with the…

Online Food Security and Safety Seminar (OnFoSS) on ”Food Security In the Era of COVID-19”

Greetings from Plantation and Agrotechnology Postgraduate Society (PAPS), Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA…

Permohonan Kemasukan Pelajar Baharu Sesi Oktober 2020

“You may delay, but time will not” ~ Benjamin Franklin BERITA BAIK untuk anda, tarikh tutup…

Panelis Forum Atas Talian Anjuran Greenwich University Pakistan-Mauritius

Tiga Pensyarah Fakulti Pendidikan Berperanan sebagai Panelis Forum Atas Talian anjuran Greenwich University Pakistan-Mauritius Tiga orang…

EDU Reach Webinar Series Fakulti Pendidikan

EDU Reach Webinar Series Fakulti Pendidikan: Kembali dengan Cara Menangani Tekanan oleh Dr. Sharifah Muzlia Syed…

Live@PTAR: Pandemik Covid-19 dan Teknologi Geospatial

Program Live@PTAR Bicara Tajuk : Pandemik Covid-19 dan Teknologi Geospatial: Pendekatan Inovatif dalam menangani isu kesihatan…

EDU Scholar Webinar Series with Prof. Dr. Nor Aziah Alias on Minimalist Approach to Open Distance Learning

The second session of EDU Scholar Webinar Series kicks off with another speaker, featuring none other…

‘Info Me’ Fakulti Sains Kesihatan

Fakulti Sains Kesihatan (FSK) telah menjalankan program Info Me sepanjang sesi 2019/2020 yang kini telah sampai…

Asian Journal Of University Education (AJUE) Is Now Indexed In Scopus And Scimago

It is a pleasure to announce that, in addition to the coverage by Elsevier, the Asian…

Prof. Dr. Chan Yuen Fook on EDU Scholar Webinar Series

 The EDU Scholar Webinar Series organized a webinar on Publishing in an Indexed Journal. This program…