Nasi Arab Dinikmati Sempena Ramadhan Gathering APB x LG120

Memandangkan minggu ke-5 adalah minggu terakhir pelajar di kampus sebelum pulang ke rumah untuk cuti pertengahan…

Webinar Perkongsian Pakar: Peningkatan Produktiviti Pensyarah Melalui Pendekatan Amalan Pengurusan Lean

 Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB), UiTM Cawangan Perlis dengan kerjasama RIG Arabic Language Education (ALE) dan RIG…

Innovative Educators of Academy of Language Studies (APB), UiTM Perlis Branch Showcase Their Expertise at i-VISION 2021

International Virtual Symposium on Innovation and ELT 2021 (i-VISION 2021) was organised by Darul Aman English…

Educational, Design, Games, Invention and Innovation Competition 2022 (EDGII2022)

EDGII2022 is a virtual platform for all participants to share and present their design, games, invention…

Wakaf Buku: ‘Gift Of Reading 2.0’

Sejajar dengan usaha pemerkasaan pendidikan berkualiti (SDG 4), UiTM Cawangan Pahang Kampus Jengka terus proaktif dalam…

A Virtual Symposium is Heading Your Way – Calling for Extended Abstracts

Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam is pleased to invite you to the International…

International Conference on Language, Education, Humanities & Social Sciences 2021

Akademi Pengajian Bahasa Univeristi Teknologi MARA Cawangan Kelantan (UiTMCK) akan menjadi hos bagi International Conference on…

Initiating Crucial Conversations between Industry and Students

Before this, it was a common practice for higher education institutions to seek industry insights to…

Invitation To APB Scholar Webinar Series 2020: “How to Innovate and Win Gold”

On behalf of Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB), UiTM Shah Alam Campus , we would like to…

Virtual Symposium on Teaching and Learning (VSTL) 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS, REVIEWERS AND JURIES The Virtual Symposium on Teaching and Learning (VSTL) 2020 will be held on…