Making Wave Of Change: The Electronic Green Initiatives Database on Campus (eGREENi@campus) UITM PERAK

In an inspiring initiative that underscores the significance of environmental stewardship and sustainability, the University of Technology MARA (UiTM) Perak campus, under the stewardship of the Green Campus Team, recently hosted the remarkable “Soft Launch of eGREENi @Campus” program. This program was a part of the larger FESTIVAL KELESTARIAN KAMPUS HIJAU 2023, a month-long celebration aimed at promoting a sustainable and environmentally responsible campus community.

The “Electronic Green Initiatives Database on Campus (eGREENi@campus)” innovation aimed to consolidate and coordinate all green initiative activities in sustainably greening the campus. Solar Charging hub, Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) system, Green Roof, Kelulut farm, MK Land teeming with several other campus initiatives were deployed in an interactive digital application. The initiative, organized by Unit 4: GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION, had aligned the Universiti PI 107 and PI 108 key objectives together achieving the sustainable development goals of SDG 7, SDG 9 and SDG 11. It sought to promote eco-friendly practices, empower student innovation, and foster community engagement, aligning perfectly with UiTM Perak’s commitment to a more visible and greener future.

Acknowledging the importance of such initiatives, we extend our gratitude to the UiTM Perak Management, the Green Campus Team, and, in particular, Unit 4: GREEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP & INNOVATION for orchestrating this enlightening event. By taking active steps to enhance our campus’s sustainability and environmental responsibility, UiTM Perak demonstrates its commitment to shaping a visible and greener future for its students and the community.

The “Soft launch Electronic Green Initiatives Database on Campus (eGREENi@campus)” program is not merely an event; it’s a testament to the potential of collective action and innovation in addressing environmental challenges. Through this initiative, UiTM Perak is nurturing a generation of environmentally conscious individuals who understand the value of green initiatives, the importance of sustainable practices, and the need for active community engagement.

In a world where environmental sustainability is paramount, UiTM Perak’s commitment to initiatives like the “eGREENi@campus” is commendable and inspiring. It serves as a beacon of hope and a shining example of how higher education institutions can be at the forefront of positive change. Together, we are making waves of change, and the ripples of this endeavour will undoubtedly reach far beyond our campus.

By Dr Nur Huzeima Mohd Hussain & LAr Dr Zulkefle Hj Ayob