Zumba Programme 2024 Kickstarts Wellness Initiative at APB

With great enthusiasm and sense of unity, the staff of Akademi Pengajian Bahasa (APB) gathered for the Zumba Programme 2024, a vibrant start to the faculty’s series of wellness programs. Held in the APB parking lot on February 13, 2024, the event saw participants moving to the rhythm at 8:30 a.m., marking the beginning of an invigorating hour filled with dance, sweat, and smiles.

Zumba, a fitness phenomenon that combines Latin American dance moves with uplifting music, was chosen to jumpstart the wellness initiative at APB to encourage better physical and mental health. The session was led by Zachariah Aidin Druckman, whose guidance ensured everyone could follow along, regardless of their dance or fitness background. This event came at a perfect time, offering a delightful break from the routine of marking, submissions, and presentations that the staff had been immersed in.

Beyond the health benefits, the Zumba programme aimed to strengthen bonds among the staff, fostering a sense of community and support. Engaging in these activities is crucial for building a positive work environment, leading to better communication, cooperation, and productivity. By integrating fun, fitness, and fellowship, APB is setting a precedent for holistic wellness at the workplace.

The Zumba Programme 2024 is not just a fitness event, but also acts as a testament to the power of communal activities in enhancing life quality and work satisfaction. Hence, APB looks forward to continuing this momentum with its upcoming wellness events, ensuring its staff remains vibrant, healthy, and connected.