Soar Beyond Boundaries: Aerodreamscape – Unveiling the Enchanting World of Aviation Seminar Organised by Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management, UiTM Sabah Branch, Kota Kinabalu Campus

KOTA KINABALU, 01 December 2023 – Fifth-semester students pursuing a Bachelor of Science (with Honours) in Tourism Management, UiTM Sabah Branch, Kota Kinabalu Campus, organized a seminar titled ‘Aerodreamscape – Unveiling the Enchanting World of Aviation.’ The event, held for the Professional Development course (HTT644), was conducted under the guidance of Madam Adrianna Aziz, a senior lecturer and project adviser from the Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management.

The aviation industry, characterized by its dynamism and diversity, facilitates the global movement of people and goods. It continuously transforms alongside technological advancements, enhancing efficiency, safety, and sustainability. The profound impact of aviation on the tourism landscape often goes unnoticed by many, highlighting its transformative role in shaping the way we travel. The seminar aims to motivate the upcoming generation of aviation professionals by showcasing the diverse career opportunities within the industry. Additionally, it empowers aspiring aviators and aviation enthusiasts with knowledge, skills, and confidence, instilling a sense of purpose and motivation to pursue careers and endeavors in the aerospace sector.

Captain John Sham Scratchman, the Head of Training at Layang Layang Flying Academy, shared insights from the cockpit, while Madam Lainie Lamau, a former Cabin Crew member and Master Trainer at Malaysia Aviation Group, provided enlightening perspectives on the cabin crew industry.

The seminar also featured Madam Hariah Hunainy Ismail, the Manager of Auriah De’Beauty Company, as the presenter, imparting valuable Grooming Tips for Aerospace Professionals.The participants gained valuable insights into the dynamic and multifaceted nature of these fields. Moreover, the event took place at the Hospitality and Tourism Training Centre, UiTM Sabah Branch, and was broadcast via YouTube Live and Facebook Live. It garnered participation from a diverse audience, including students from the faculty, guest lecturers, and industry players, both locally and internationally.

This seminar also incorporates a flight announcement session for participants, providing them with an opportunity to practice and enhance their skills in becoming proficient flight announcers. The participants were then tested for their memory through interactive Kahoot games and quizzes. Their enthusiastic engagement demonstrated a keen interest in all the activities facilitated by the organizers.

The seminar was a life-changing experience for the participants, especially students, acting as a powerful eye-opener to the vast and dynamic world of the aviation industry. The insights gained and perspectives broadened during this event have not only deepened their understanding but have also ignited a newfound passion for exploring the diverse career opportunities within aviation. The impact can be seen in the students’ enthusiasm, reflecting a genuine eagerness to embark on their journey in the aviation sector, armed with knowledge, inspiration, and a clear sense of purpose. The seminar has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in shaping the students’ perceptions and aspirations, paving the way for a future generation of informed and motivated professionals in the field of aviation.