KPPIM’s International Webinar 2023 on Mathematical Sciences: a Booster of Visibility

Mathematics stands out as a unique field of study, as it is a universal language that allows us to describe and understand the patterns and structures that exist in the world around us. Recognising the importance of mathematics and in line with the UiTM Strategic Plan 2025, one of the key initiatives for Strategic Theme 4 (Translational Research Development, Innovation, and Commercialization) is striving for international research collaboration and networking, the School of Mathematical Sciences, College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics (KPPIM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Malaysia has taken the initiative organizing the KPPIM International Webinar 2023 on Mathematical Sciences with its tagline #boostourvisibility.

The webinar was organized in twelve (12) sessions and was conducted in hybrid mode each time, with two (2) invited speakers from Malaysia, Uzbekistan, India, and Indonesia. These speakers were invited based on their expertise in mathematical sciences (mathematics, statistics, and actuarial science) and their affiliation relevance to the collaboration partnership between UiTM and the partner universities through Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) and/or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The speakers shared their insights, experiences, and research findings during their talks. Following each talk, there were question-and-answer sessions where participants were able to interact directly with the speakers, and further discuss the topics presented, thus giving opportunities to students and researchers to also share their findings and opinions.

The webinar has been running effectively since March 2023 and has had invited speakers from Malaysia, Uzbekistan, and India who have shared their perspectives on diverse mathematical sciences research topics. So far, eight (8) out of the thirteen (12) sessions have been held consistently, with the final session scheduled to end in November 2023. Academicians, students, and researchers from both inside and outside UiTM have participated in the eight (8) completed sessions, which were a wonderful success.

This webinar has started its 1st session by having Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Adibah Shuib from KPPIM, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia specializes in mathematical programming or optimization modeling and decision-making models, and Prof. Dr. Rakhmatillo D. Aloev from National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek specializes in computational mathematics, partial differential equations, mathematical physics, and information systems and information security. During Session 1, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Adibah Shuib delivered a talk focusing on optimal solutions or best route for urban electric bus services that can enhance the service quality of the current public transportation network and as a result, improve the efficiency of urban transportation systems. Prof. Dr. Rakhmatillo D. Aloev’s talk, on the other hand, focused on the two-dimensional symmetric t-hyperbolic system with constant coefficients, in which he constructed a difference control scheme for characteristic velocities in a symmetric t-hyperbolic system.

Dr. Suzila Mohd Kasim, a senior lecturer from UiTM Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Dengkil, Malaysia, gave a talk on the Vertex Relation of A_4 Graph in a Mathieu Group. In her research, she analyzed the group structures on the graph that gave rise to many interesting results. The subsequent session by Mr. Asrorov Diyorjon Usmonovich, a Ph.D. student in mathematics at Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan, presented his research topic entitled A Complete Classification of Two-dimensional Endo-commutative Algebras Over an Arbitrary Field. In his research, he considered the class of so-called endo-commutative algebras and gave a complete classification of this class, up to isomorphism, over any basic field in dimension two.

The esteemed invited speakers for Session 2 to Session 7 included Prof. Dr. Saida Beknazarova (Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan); Prof. Dr. S. Ganesh, Dr. T. Kamaraj, and Dr. L. Prasanna Venkatesh (Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India); Dr. Harliza Mohd Hanif and Ms. Fithriyaani Garip@Samad (KPPIM, UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia); Dr. Nurmarni Athirah Abdul Wahid (KPPIM, UiTM Cawangan Pahang Kampus Jengka, Malaysia); Ts. Dr. Samsudin Wahab (UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, Malaysia); Dr. Nur Izzati Khairudin and Mr. Muhammad Hasbullah Mohd Razali (KPPIM, UiTM Cawangan Perlis Kampus Arau, Malaysia); Dr. Aziza A. Akbarova (Karshi State University, Uzbekistan); and Ms. Ikromova Dildora Isroilovna (Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan). Their fields of research covers a range of topics such as graph theory, decision-making problems, applied statistics, business decisions, numerical methods, fluid dynamics, video technologies, image processing, and optimization. Their talks on the research topics undoubtedly stimulate thoughts, offer fresh viewpoints, and inspire investigation of the enormous field of mathematics. Replaying the talks done by the speakers is possible via the following YouTube link:

It is hoped that this webinar will continue attracting academicians, students, and researchers from both inside and outside UiTM to advance knowledge and skills and establish connections, and hence, create a community of lifelong learners who can exchange knowledge and collaborate on future projects, reinforcing the value of mathematics in a variety of fields.

The upcoming Session 9 of the webinar is scheduled for September 8, 2023 and is open to everyone. More information on sessions of the webinar, can be found on the webinar landing page: Please feel free to spread the word to your family, friends, and workplace. Give full support, join this webinar and embark on a journey of lifelong learning with us. Stay tuned for five (5) more sessions of the webinar.