Jom Sains Farmasi 2023

The Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM recently hosted a captivating science program, “Jom Sains Farmasi 2023,” specially tailored for children aged 6 to 12. This delightful half-day event was designed to spark young minds’ interest in science, with a particular focus on the field of pharmacy. The program aimed to introduce these young learners to scientific concepts while shedding light on the vital role pharmacists play in our society.

The program unfolded through a series of engaging activities that left the children both entertained and enlightened.

Creating Custom Soaps: The day began with a burst of creativity as children got hands-on with soap-making. They had the chance to customise their own soap bars with various colours, scents, and shapes, turning them into unique masterpieces. The excitement of crafting their soap was palpable, and they couldn’t wait to use it at home.

Understanding pH Levels: Next up was an exciting acid-alkali experiment. This activity introduced the kids to the pH scale, a tool for measuring how acidic or alkaline substances are. They also learned about indicators—substances that change colour based on pH levels. Using red cabbage juice as a natural indicator, the young scientists experimented with everyday household items like vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, and detergent. They observed the colours changing and recorded the pH values, which was both fun and educational.

Exploring Vital Organs: One of the highlights of the day was the opportunity to explore the inner workings of vital organs by examining a goat’s brain and heart. Children learned to identify different parts of these organs. The real magic happened when they peered through microscopes, discovering the intricate world of brain and heart cells. They even tried their hand at drawing and labelling the cells they observed.

I am a Pharmacist: The grand finale of the program was a deep dive into the role of pharmacists in healthcare and society. The children were introduced to various types of drugs, such as prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and health supplements. They then participated in a role-play game, with some playing the roles of pharmacists and others as patients. They interacted with Pak Atan, a SimMan® 3G – a state-of-the-art patient simulator that mimics symptoms like a headache and fever. This immersive experience allowed them to ask questions, evaluate symptoms, provide advice, and even dispense medicine. A sing-along session emphasised the importance of safe drug use and the pharmacist’s role in it.

The success of “Jom Sains Farmasi 2023” was made possible through the collaboration of dedicated committees and volunteers. Undergraduate students from the Faculty of Pharmacy, along with their peers from Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, came together to make this program a resounding success. As the day unfolded, the children enjoyed games, quizzes, and the chance to win prizes, all while honing their observation, experimentation, analysis, and problem-solving skills. Parents and children alike expressed their delight and appreciation for this exciting and educational program. They eagerly look forward to more such enriching experiences in the future.

In conclusion, “Jom Sains Farmasi 2023” exemplifies the commitment of the Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM to nurture young scientists. Each activity was carefully designed to captivate young minds, illuminating the path towards a future where science, curiosity, and innovation reign supreme. It is hoped that program like this will be conducted in the future to inspire and educate our leaders and innovators.