Infostruktur Webinar : Pengenalan Dan Penggunaan Cisco Webex Event

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Jabatan Infostruktur , PPII akan mengadakan INFOSTRUKTUR WEBINAR  mengikut ketetapan berikut :…

Asean Virtual Student Residential Innovation & Technology 2020 (Rennotech)

College Representative Committee (JPK) Perindu Residential College UiTM Shah Alam inviting residential’s student to join ASEAN…

Asean University Students Leadership Confrence 2020

“DEFINING ROLES OF STUDENT LEADERSHIP IN FACING PANDEMIC COVID-19” Barisan Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej Perindu 2020/21 akan…

The International Social Science Conference: Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (BizMEnt) 2020

Conference invites work in the form of research paper addressing the timely issues and developments in…

e–Colloquium between UiTM and Afridat UG, Germany

We are pleased to inform you that the Energy Conservation for Automotive Research Group, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI…

Virtual Pharm-IIDEx 2020 : Call For Participation

The Faculty of Pharmacy is organizing Virtual Pharm-IIDEx 2020 “Expanding Frontiers Through Innovative Ideas” on 1st August – 20th…

Virtual Symposium on Teaching and Learning (VSTL) 2020

CALL FOR PAPERS, REVIEWERS AND JURIES The Virtual Symposium on Teaching and Learning (VSTL) 2020 will be held on…

Get Ready For Opportunities At Work (GROW)

GROW is a 4 sessions webinar led by industry expert Dato’ Najmuddin Abdullah the Group Chief…

Program Kolaborasi APB Shah Alam Bersama PPT

On behalf of Akademi Pengajian Bahasa(APB), UiTM Shah Alam, we would like to invite you to…

Mobile Technologies as Cognitive – Behavioral Aids for People With Autism

Tony Gentry, PhD OTR/L FAOTA is an associate professor in the occupational therapy department at Virginia…