UiTM Ranked 151 in Asia for 2024 QS World University Rankings: Sustainability

In keeping with its commitment to sustainability, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) has been ranked for the…

UiTM Authors won Best Book for Food Professionals in the World at Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2023

Riydh, Saudi Arabia – Malaysia professional book “Innovation of Food Products in Halal Supply Chain Worldwide…

UiTM researchers Secure RM 2.16 Million Funding for Ground-breaking Socioeconomic Empowerment Project

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Badrul Isa Leads ‘Program Inisiatif Pendapatan Rakyat (IPR) bagi Pelaksanaan Pemetaan & Pemantauan…

Young Interior Designers’ Reunite

MIID Students’ Saturday, is a platform for interior design and interior architecture students to participate in…

Komunikasi kreatif dalam era digital: International Communication Competition 2023

Jalinan dan kolaborasi antarabangsa sejak tahun 2020 antara Jabatan Komunikasi, Bina Nusantara University (BINUS), Indonesia dan…

Pertandingan Chem-E Car Malaysia kembali berlangsung secara fizikal di 15th Malaysian Chem-E Car Competition 2023 setelah berehat selama 4 tahun

SHAH ALAM, 5 November 2023 – Program 15th Malaysia Chem-E Car Competition 2023 melakar sejarah tersendiri…

YBhg. Datuk Prof. Ts. Dr. Shahrin bin Sahib @ Sahibuddin Dilantik Sebagai Naib Canselor UiTM Yang Baharu

SHAH ALAM, 2 NOVEMBER 2023 – Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi hari ini telah mengumumkan pelantikan YBhg. Datuk…


In a captivating and environmentally conscious endeavor, 17 studios from the Department of Interior Design at…

Jemputan Ke Program Sambutan Hari Strok Sedunia 2023

Hari Strok Sedunia disambut pada 29 Oktober setiap tahun. Sempena sambutan tahun ini, Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah…

Kempen Saringan Kesihatan Percuma Sempena Hari Diabetes Sedunia 2023

Program KPT Prihatin Komuniti Sejahtera (KRIS) bersama-sama Unit Endokrin Fakulti Perubatan, Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah (HASA) dan…