A Knowledge-heal Campaign to Empower Minds and Elevate Lives: #LoveMyself

Campaign #LoveMyself was a response to the escalating mental health concerns among students was conducted under umbrella of SoCCoM 4.0 for MKT622 subject requirement. This campaign targeted pupils from SMK Putrajaya Presint (5) 1, Putrajaya. The target group were selected from classes with high number of cases related to mental health, which aimed to address the rising number of students experiencing mental health issues, including cases bordering on severe conditions prompting thoughts of self-harm.

The 3 main objectives of this campaign including improving and/or changing behavioural, knowledge, and belief. To achieve behavioural objectives, a unique platform was used known as “Anonymous Link”  where it allowed for target group to openly share their thoughts without revealing their identity. As for the knowledge objective, series of education games, quizzes and information were provided throughout 4 weeks via telegram, Instagram and face-to-face event which aimed to dismantle stigmas surrounding it. Lastly, the belief objective was executed to foster a culture where seeking help in regard to mental health should be normalised to reassure young adults that they are not alone in their mental health struggles.

Recognising that not all students had access, the team visited the school for face-to-face session for 3 days, ensuring everyone was familiar with the campaign through educations and printed materials. This effort spanned from November 25th to December 26th, 2023, culminating in a dedicated mental health programme on December 8th, 2023, where activities centred on stress relief and the value of self-care.

Feedback, both from evaluation forms and the school counsellor, affirmed the programme’s success was collected from December 2023 until mid-January 2024. Students exhibited greater openness and energy, indicating a positive shift in attitudes towards mental health. Notably, the counsellor observed increased dialogue and enthusiasm for addressing personal challenges among students.

Reflecting on campaign journey, the team members underscore the importance of holistic health care, emphasising mental well-being as integral to self-management. Normalising help-seeking behaviour and learning to manage anxiety were highlighted as crucial steps toward achieving a balanced lifestyle.

SoCCoM 4.0: #LoveMyself stands as a testament to collective efforts in nurturing a mentally healthier environment within Malaysia school community. By breaking barriers, fostering open dialogue, and advocating self-care, this campaign sown seeds of change that hope for continuity in making mental wellness an intrinsic part of student life as visioned in SDG 3 and SDG 17, of having preventive and treatment to promote mental health and wellbeing among school students in Malaysia.