This year we almost have uncountable online webinars, which provide us with the opportunities for advancement and inspiration amidst Covid-19 pandemic.
Our most recent webinar “Getting into the Publishing Game: Tips and Strategies” organised by Publication Unit of UiTM, Cawangan Pulau Pinang; presented by Prof. T. Ramayah (School of Management, USM) proved to be an effective event and important topic to the audience. More than 150 lecturers and researchers from different UiTM campuses tuned in to listen to him discussing on the up-to-date tips and strategies for quality research and how to get published efficiently. A clearly presented take-home message “Be persevere, don’t afraid to aim too high and fail because we aim too low and succeed is the problem”!
For those who had missed out the live session, no worries, here is the link to the video recording and lecture slides which you can access from . Bonjour!