UiTM Sarawak Organizes Workshop to Analyze PLO Achievement, Paving the Path to Program Enhancement and Educational Excellence

26 April 2024 – In a concerted effort to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of educational programs, UiTM Sarawak hosted a pivotal workshop on the analysis of Program Learning Outcome (PLO) achievement at the program level for the year 2024. The event convened on the 26th of April 2024, commencing at 2 p.m. at the Samarahan Campus Library (PTAR Kampus 2 Samarahan).

The workshop, spearheaded by Associate Professor Ts. ChM. Dr. Mohammad Isa Mohamadin, Deputy Rector (Academic & International Affairs), was inaugurated amidst an atmosphere charged with academic fervor and dedication to academic excellence. Dr. Mohammad Isa Mohamadin’s insightful address underscored the importance of continuously refining educational methodologies to ensure holistic student development and program effectiveness.

Attended by over 20 esteemed faculty representatives hailing from diverse academic disciplines, the workshop fostered a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives. The collective expertise and varied experiences of the attendees promised a comprehensive assessment of the current state of Program Learning Outcome (PLO) attainment across different academic domains.

The proceedings of the workshop were characterized by rigorous discussion, constructive critique, and collaborative problem-solving. Participants engaged in intensive analyses of existing PLO frameworks, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Through interactive sessions and group activities, attendees delved into the nuances of curriculum design, pedagogical approaches, and assessment methodologies, seeking to align educational objectives with evolving industry demands and global standards.

The workshop unfolded over a duration of three hours, punctuated by moments of intellectual stimulation and scholarly camaraderie. As the clock struck 5 p.m., the gathering adjourned, leaving behind a palpable sense of purpose and determination to advance the educational landscape at UiTM Sarawak.

In conclusion, the Workshop on Analysis of Program Learning Outcome Achievement, Program Level 2024, stands as a testament to UiTM Sarawak’s unwavering commitment to academic excellence and continuous improvement. Through collaborative endeavors such as these, the institution reaffirms its position as a trailblazer in higher education, nurturing future-ready graduates equipped with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape.