Erasmus Info Day: Enriching Perspectives for UiTM Lecturers and Students

Nov 3, 2023, Shah Alam – The highly anticipated Erasmus Info Day Program was organised at the College of Computing, Informatics, and Mathematics (KPPIM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam. The program offered lecturers and students valuable insights into the opportunities provided by the esteemed European Union program, Erasmus. Split into two distinct sessions, Erasmus Info Day provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of global educational and research opportunities.

The first session, the Educational Talk session, focused on the educational aspects of the Erasmus program. This session primarily delved into the educational facets of the Erasmus program where the event commenced with a warm welcome from Professor Ts. Dr Mohamad Noorman Masrek, the Dean of Research and Innovation at KPPIM, who underscored the importance of international academic exchanges. The program then proceeded with sessions by three distinguished speakers.

Professor Ts. Dr Ling Siew Eng, a faculty member of KPPIM from UiTM Cawangan Sarawak, delivered an insightful talk on the educational programs available under the Erasmus project. Associate Professor Dr Norjansalika Janom, the Head of Postgraduate Studies at KPPIM, provided students with a comprehensive overview of the postgraduate programmes offered by KPPIM. Mr. Freddy Loo, the Director of Fusionex International, presented a talk titled, “IR4.0, Are we really there?”. His discussion shed light on the fourth industrial revolution and its relevance in today’s educational and job landscape. The Educational Talk session garnered a significant turnout from enthusiastic students and lecturers. It not only deepened their understanding of the academic opportunities facilitated by Erasmus but also highlighted its relevance in the rapidly evolving global job market.

The second session of the programme featured a Research Talk seminar focusing on effective applications for the Erasmus grant. Prof. Ts. Dr Ling Siew Eng again shared her expertise in the session titled “Tips on Writing a Winning Erasmus Grant Proposal.” Her insights proved invaluable for KPPIM lecturers aspiring to secure Erasmus grants. The Research Talk was an informative and engaging event, providing lecturers with the knowledge and tools essential for successful Erasmus grant applications.

The successfully organised Erasmus Info Day Program at KPPIM, UiTM Shah Alam underscores KPPIM’s commitment to providing students and lecturers with the guidance needed to explore and benefit from Erasmus opportunities in both research and education. The Erasmus program stands as a symbol of international collaboration, fostering academic excellence and research innovation on a global scale.