Embracing Togetherness: Akademi Pengajian Bahasa’s Berbuka Puasa Program

Following the resounding success of the Bubur Lambuk program, Akademi Pengajian Bahasa continued its mission of fostering community spirit with a heartwarming Berbuka Puasa program on March 26, 2024. This initiative, organized with unwavering dedication by both staff and management, epitomized the essence of Ramadan – unity, compassion, and sharing.

Berbuka Puasa, the breaking of the fast at sunset during Ramadan, holds profound significance in the hearts of Muslims worldwide. It marks the end of a day of fasting and serves as a moment of reflection and gratitude. Akademi Pengajian Bahasa recognized the importance of this ritual and sought to make it a communal affair.

With enthusiasm and solidarity, staff members joined forces once again, this time to prepare a sumptuous spread for the Berbuka Puasa gathering. From the meticulous arrangement of dates and fruits to the preparation of traditional delicacies, every detail was infused with the spirit of camaraderie and generosity.

As the call to Maghrib prayer reverberated through the air, signaling the end of the day’s fast, participants eagerly gathered to break fast together. The atmosphere was one of joyous anticipation as plates were filled with an array of delectable dishes, symbolizing abundance and gratitude.

The significance of this gathering extended beyond mere sustenance; it was a celebration of unity, compassion, and the spirit of giving. As participants exchanged smiles and shared laughter, they embodied the true essence of Ramadan – generosity and togetherness.