CoBL RMIT x FBM UiTM: Sustainable Procurement Development Index Project

28 February 2024  – RMIT’s College of Business and Law (CoBL), in collaboration with UiTM’s Faculty of Business and Management (FBM), has embarked on a groundbreaking international research initiative focused on the development of a Sustainable Procurement Disclosure Index. This strategic international project aims to provide a comprehensive tool for Australian and Malaysian individuals and businesses to navigate the dynamic and intricate landscape of sustainable procurement. By offering genuine insights and in-depth analysis, the index addresses a crucial aspect of corporate and individual interest.

The primary objective of this initiative is to establish a benchmark for evaluating the extent of disclosure regarding sustainable procurement practices within the ASX 200 companies in Australia and the BURSA 200 companies in Malaysia. This innovative index not only serves as a guide for stakeholders but also fosters transparency and accountability in the corporate sector.

To support this vital undertaking, both institutions have generously contributed a matching grant and funding. This financial support reflects the commitment of RMIT’s College of Business and Law and UiTM’s Faculty of Business and Management to advancing research and knowledge in the field of sustainable procurement.

Looking ahead, the project team envisions replicating the index project and its methodology in additional countries. This expansion will provide a valuable opportunity to gather international comparison data, shedding light on diverse approaches to sustainable procurement practices worldwide. Through these efforts, the collaborative research project seeks to contribute significantly to the global discourse on sustainable business practices and inspire positive change in procurement strategies across different regions.

Leading the research initiative at RMIT University are esteemed scholars and experts, including Associate Professor Dr Charles Lau (Lead Researcher), Dr Aswini Yadlapalli, Dr Muhammad Abdulrahman, Professor Dr Prem Chhetri, and Professor Dr Vinh Thai. The corresponding team at UiTM is composed of Dr Ahmad Rais Mohamad Mokhtar (Lead Researcher), Associate Professor Dr Melissa Shahrom, Professor Dr Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram, Associate Professor Dr Keshminder Singh Jit Singh, and Azlina Muhammad.