UiTM Delegates Triumph at the 12th ASEAN Future Leaders Summit in Jakarta

18-25 August 2024 – Three representatives from UiTM Global Ambassador (UGLAM) marked their legacy in the bustling streets of Jakarta, Indonesia as they embark on the 12th ASEAN Future Leaders Summit (AFLES). The programme hosted by Universitas Pancasila was a collaborative effort between Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Prince of Songkhla University (PSU), Thailand, aimed towards cultivation of future leaders in the ASEAN region.

The three representatives from UGLAM; Batrisyia Sofea from the Faculty of Built Environment, Nik Afifah Hana from the Faculty of Law, and Muhammad Faizal Hakimi from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, was also joined by Mohamad Hafiz from UiTM Merbok as Malaysian delegates. They set sail on various talks, field trips, and mini competitions included in the programme. Topics such as community service, LinkedIn branding, ASEAN & Cultural Adaptation, German Academic Exchange, and many other epochal ones were discussed, mirroring AFLES’ established reputation as an annual event of high quality and impact.

In the ASEAN Entrepreneur Pitching Competition, the representatives secured a place as the first runner-up; promoting a Smart Shelter for Indonesia where it prioritises sustainability and cleanliness. Malay cultural dances such as Joget and Zapin were also performed to the delegates and guests of other countries thus promoting the gracefulness and poise of the Malay dance movements. Aligned with the core values of UGLAM which is to be the ambassador of the university and the country, the representatives have substantially carried the image of a true Malaysian and an exceptional Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) student.

The 12th AFLES served as an excellent platform for UGLAM to model from their organisational and programme management skills, and for the representatives to nurture their leadership skills and soft skills. This experience not only bolstered their personal growth but also strengthened UiTM’s presence on an international stage. Through their active participation, the delegates embodied the spirit of ASEAN cooperation and highlighted UGLAM’s and the university’s commitment to fostering global talent.