Strategic Progress Unveiled: IPSis 2024 Midterm Review Meeting at ILD, Perak

13 July 2024 – The IPSis 2024 initiative progress review meeting was heldat the Institute of Leadership & Development (ILD) in Perak. Officiated by the Dean of IPSis, the meeting was organized by the IPSis Strategic Planning & Academic Quality Department to review and enhance IPSis’ strategic planning for the first six months of 2024, aligning with the UiTM 2025 Strategic Plan. The goal was to refine the strategic direction of IPSis 2024-2025, now in its third year of implementation, to support UiTM’s objective of becoming a Globally Renowned University (GRU) by 2025.

The primary objective was to ensure that the initiatives or projects were on track and to assess the achievement of set objectives. Key points included evaluating how well the initiatives met their targets and goals, assessing the expected outcomes, outputs, and impacts, continuously reviewing progress against the planned schedule, and assessing the completion level of activities and work. Additionally, the review aimed to identify any problems, obstacles, or risks that might arise and find solutions or measures to mitigate those risks, examine the use of resources such as finances, manpower, and materials to ensure they were used efficiently and effectively, offer suggestions for improvements based on the progress assessment, including necessary changes in implementation or strategy, evaluate the quality of achieved results against established standards, gather feedback from stakeholders including employees, customers, and partners to gain additional insights into the progress and performance of the initiatives, and prepare detailed reports on the progress status, encountered issues, and actions taken to ensure stakeholders were always informed. Moreover, this meeting also fostered stronger bonds among IPSis staff, enhancing teamwork and collaboration.

By achieving these objectives, the progress review helps ensure that projects or initiatives run smoothly and achieve the desired results in the most effective and efficient manner. The initiative progress review meeting is crucial to ensure that all discussed matters are acted upon and all parties understand the next steps. All agreed actions will be monitored and implemented according to the set schedule.