LCC111 WEBINAR: NARRATIVE WRITING – A Collaborative Teaching Session by APB UCPh & UAD

Pahang, 14th of June 2024 – The Academy of Language Studies UiTM Pahang Branch (APB UCPh) has successfully organized a webinar entitled LCC111 Webinar: Narrative Writing. In ensuring the possibility for the Collaborative Teaching session, which was done online, APB UCPh has again worked hand in hand with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), a well-known university within Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The fruitful session was held on a Friday afternoon for around two hours, beginning from 3:00PM until 5:00PM.

The webinar held was a Collaborative Teaching project for the LCC111 code, English for Communicative Competence I which has been one of the main subjects for Diploma students in UiTM, especially the newly joined Part 1 students. The target group consisted of the 162 Part 1 Diploma students in UiTM Pahang Branch Jengka Campus, who were supposed to be taking the course while also joined by many other students from the various UiTM campuses throughout the country.

The two hours webinar session was moderated by Dr. Roslina Abdul Aziz, one of the members for the Collaborative Teaching group from UiTM Pahang Branch, while the spotlight was shone to the honourable invited speaker from the English Education Department (PBI), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD), Dr. Surono M. Hum., as the main speaker for the session. The participants were exposed to the methods of writing narratively, whereas the speaker also covered and explored the ways on how they can expand their views and imagination regarding their own narrative development, solely based on the one compulsory sentence given as their introduction or what was referred to as their must-be-used first sentence to start writing their own version or story. Dr. Surono M. Hum. as the speaker also explained the ways the participants can expand their vocabulary & grammar which can perhaps be done using the usage of vivid imagery or descriptive sentences, as they will also be given marks for language.

It is hoped that any Collaborative Teaching webinar session like this can be continuously held to assist UiTM’s Part 1 Diploma students in their preparation for the LCC111 Final Assessment. It may be considered as one of the most effective online platforms for APB UCPh and any other institutions or organizations who has or yet to sign an MoU with UiTM to share their knowledge with the participants, especially those who are entitled as students to prepare and acquire themselves with the skills needed throughout their lives.