KPPIM Postgraduate Office Conducts Strategic Benchmarking with MMU’s Faculty of Computing and Informatics

Cyberjaya, 22 August 2024 – The Postgraduate Office under the Academic Affairs Division of the College of Computing, Informatics, and Mathematics (KPPIM), Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam, recently held a successful benchmarking session with the Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI), Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya. The benchmarking session was intended to gain a deeper understanding on the best methods and strategies employed by FCI that could potentially be implemented in KPPIM’s postgraduate programmes which include Master of Science In Computer Networking (CDCS708), Master of Science (Computer Science) (CDCS750), Master of Science (Information Technology) (CDCS751), Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science) (CDCS950) and Doctor of Philosophy (Information Technology) (CDCS951).

The 20-member delegation, comprising lecturers and members of the curriculum development committee, engaged in in-depth discussion with their counterparts at MMU. The discourse covered strategies in designing engaging and interactive courses as well as effective technology tools and platforms to foster active learning among students. The latter also provided a lens on delivering high-quality online education which is increasingly in demand. This in turn also spurred the discussion on innovative approaches to prepare academic staff on the many challenges of online education delivery.

Both institutions also shared insights on effective ways to assess student performance and provide meaningful feedback. The feedback is critical in informing UiTM’s mechanism design for a more robust and reflective learning environment. Furthermore, to ensure students well-being, the delegates also had the opportunity to gain insights on FCI’s strategy to student support which could be adapted to the needs of UiTM students.

UiTM, specifically KPPIM, expresses its gratitude to FCI for their support and collaboration in this benchmarking session. The knowledge and practices shared are expected to play a significant role in enhancing KPPIM’s postgraduate programs.

Prepared by: PM Dr Norjansalika Binti Janom (Editor: Afdallyna & KPPIM News Team)