Most Students In A Public Speaking Competition (Kursus Pemimpin Muda)

DENGKIL, 25 Jun- Seramai 605 pelajar yang melibatkan lapan buah sekolah rendah Daerah Klang telah terlibat…

Call for Participation: International Virtual Educational Design, Invention, and Innovation Competition 2022 (iVEDIIC2022)

The Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Puncak Alam, is proud to…

1B1S3R Competition UiTM Cawangan Sabah Kampus Tawau

Tawau, 13 May 2022: The programme “1 Book, 1 Semester 3R: Read, Review, and Revive Competition”…

AgroChemistry Virtual Poster Competition 2022 (AVPC 2022)

All Pre-diploma, Diploma, and Degree students undertaking these subjects (CHM083, CHM011, CHM012, CHM138, and CHM420) are…