Beyond the Scoreboard: Lessons and Challenges Ahead – Webinar by the Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management

KOTA KINABALU, 07 June 2024 – Fifth-semester students pursuing a Bachelor of Science (with Honours) in Tourism Management, UiTM Sabah Branch, Kota Kinabalu Campus, organized a webinar titled Beyond the Scoreboard: Lessons and Challenges Ahead.’ The event, held for the Professional Development course (HTT644), was conducted under the guidance of Madam Adrianna Aziz, a senior lecturer and project adviser from the Faculty of Hotel and Tourism Management. With the dedicated support of her team of 19 students, the event transformed from a mere idea into a spectacular reality. Each member of this team demonstrated unwavering commitment, tireless effort, and exceptional leadership throughout every stage of the planning and execution process. Their collective dedication ensured the event’s success, showcasing their skills and teamwork. Additionally, the event was streamed on both the Zoom Platform and Facebook Live, attracting engagement from a wide-ranging audience, comprising students from the faculty, guest lecturers, and industry professionals.

Going Beyond the Scoreboard extends far beyond mere words; it underscores the importance of moving beyond surface-level statistics or instant outcomes to understand the foundational aspects and broader consequences. Essentially, it promotes a comprehensive perspective that values qualitative factors and deep insights above purely quantitative evaluations. The webinar aims to embark on a journey beyond the scoreboard, emphasizing true self-improvement and skill development through a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous personal growth. This involves setting clear, achievable goals, actively seeking feedback, and embracing challenges. Cultivating resilience and adaptability is essential for both personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to navigate and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Mr. Tabah Sazwan Othman, who serves as the Principal & Managing Director of Marketing, Branding & Communication Brainstorm Council, shared his impressive achievements in the realm of sports broadcasting. His commitment, professionalism, and unwavering dedication to excellence highlight the importance of storytelling and the enduring fascination with sports. With two decades of experience in broadcasting, he has collaborated with a diverse range of clients, including royalty, ministers, prominent figures, national athletes, and celebrities. He brings with him a wealth of experience and expertise acquired throughout his career as a journalist, producer, newsreader, host, and sports commentator.

In reflection, this event proved to be nothing short of transformative for all participants, particularly the students, igniting a profound awakening within them. Serving as a beacon of empowerment on their sporting journey, it not only bolstered their self-confidence and self-esteem but also equipped them with the invaluable tools to embrace their potential fully. This webinar also provided a platform to delve into these experiences, to unravel the threads of resilience that weave the tapestry of our identities. It reminded us of those challenges, though inevitable, are not obstacles but rather steppingstones towards personal growth and progress.