A Successful International Teaching Collaboration

Kota Kinabalu, July 20, 2024 – The Academy of Language Studies (APB) of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Kota Kinabalu, Sabah successfully initiated an international teaching collaboration with the Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran. Madam Lindey Easter Apolonius chaired the committee members from APB, which included Ms. Delia L. Olaybal, Mdm. Aries Henry Joseph, Ms. Shirleen Octavia Austin, and Mr. Joseph Alagiaraj Thambu Raj. Dr. Khadijeh Jafari, a renowned speaker from the English Department at the Islamic Azad University, conducted a two-hour Webex session that started at 11:00 am. The webinar titled “The Secrets of Impactful Magazine Writing” drew fifty first-semester undergraduate students who were enrolled in the Mediating Text course (LCC401). The purpose of the webinar was to aid students in preparing for their forthcoming assessment.

Dr. Khadijeh provided a comprehensive guide to the complexities of magazine writing. The topics addressed included the selection of magazine types, the process of analysis, synthesis, and hedging, submission guidelines, and the importance of cohesion in writing. The speaker emphasised the need for students to meticulously revise their work to ensure its cohesion and clarity. She also stressed the need to ensure that their magazine connects to readers by employing words that effectively convey the intended emotions. 

Following Dr. Khadijeh’s lecture, the students participated in a question-and-answer session to enhance their learning experience and engage with her insights. A notable question was about how to properly cite quotations. Dr. Khadijeh recommended that students consistently pursue the primary source to maintain accuracy and integrity in their work. The webinar concluded with an engaging quiz using the Quizizz platform. The activity tested students’ engagement during the session. Cash prizes were awarded to encourage quiz participation, with Yunizah binti Yakob (1st), Helenya Lostek (2nd), and Nur Afifah binti Hasanudd (3rd) being the top three winners.

In her closing remarks, the APB coordinator, Ms. Delia L. Olaybal, expressed her appreciation to Dr. Khadijeh for her invaluable contribution and presented her with a certificate of appreciation. In a gesture of cultural respect, she conveyed her gratitude in Persian by saying “Moteshakeram,” which translates to “thank you.” Ms. Delia also acknowledged the organising committee, management, and students who attended the webinar and reminded participants to complete a feedback form before the webinar’s conclusion to receive their certificates of participation.

This webinar not only equipped students with the necessary skills for their upcoming e-magazine assignment but also fostered a collaborative spirit between UiTM Sabah and the Islamic Azad University, laying the groundwork for future prospects.